
Mamufacturing geotechnical studies

Geotechnical study is made for the following purposes:

  • building Construction,
  • legalization of objects (illegally built),
  • upgrading of facilities,
  • rehabilitation of facilities,
  • rehabilitation of landslides,
  • the research project,
  • study on the engineering geological conditions of the terrain for the production of detailed regulation plan.

Geotechnical study prepared by other specialized companies, may be subjected to technical review by us.

Construction of facilities

When it comes to building structures and foundation conditions of new facilities, it is necessary to perform detailed geotechnical investigation. Geotechnical study gives the conditions in the field to the existing and forecast in terms of strength and stability. Quantity in terms of number and types of research activities as well as in terms of the depth to which these investigations are performed depends on the complexity of the terrain and of the object. Geotechnical investigations that are generally used are: exploration drilling (manual or mechanical probe sets), soil sampling, measurement of pore pressure (monitoring wells), penetration probe (standard penetration (SPT), the static penetration (CPT)).

Legalization of facilities

Legalization of objects that were illegally built, means to do geotechnical study to determine the soil quality in terms of stability of the field.

Geotechnical study is made on the basis of existing documents, using the results that are nearby the objects which are subject to legalization.If that is not the case new geotechnical investigation are performed (probing drilling, sampling and laboratory analysis, etc..).

Upgrading of facilities

When it comes to upgrading of facilities, geotechnical study aims to review the capacity of the existing foundation under the new conditions (additional load) and conditions in the soil after the application of the new load. Geotechnical study report provides a structural engineer with the static calculations, global static analysis.

Geotechnical study is made on the basis of existing documentation, which is close to the object which is subject to an upgrade. If that is not the case geotechnical investigation are performed (probing drilling, sampling and laboratory analysis, etc..).

The research project

The research project includes the scope of geotechnical works (field and cabinet) to be performed at the site for the conceptual or main architectural and construction project. The project is submitted to the competent authority (the local government or the Ministry of Urban Planning) in order to obtain permission to perform the described work.

For sites that are not processed on existing regulatory or detailed urban plan, the Study of engineering geological ground conditions for the production of detailed regulation will be made.

Rehabilitation of facilities

When it comes to rehabilitation of facilities (houses, retaining walls, etc..), geotechnical study has the purpose to establish the causes of soil which caused damage to the facilities which are subject to remediation (inadequate construction of buildings or subsequently changed conditions in the field) methods of soil remediation and recommendation for protection from further deterioration.